
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sketches on the train/bus in August XIX

Only one page, but worth it!

As I was sketching the man on the left in the hat. The man in his 50's beside me in the train bumped in and said, "I wish I could do that..........and then he went on to tell me how much he wished his Art teachers taught him how to draw. He said they never bothered about the less talented ones and never showed them how to do anything. He said another thing that was missing then, was art appreciation. He said he had to teach himself how to appreciate art and visit galleries and museums. He went on to talk about the wealth of LONDON and how almost everything you need in Art, Music and Theatre is just available at our finger tips but moaned about the Londoners themselves never having time to visit these places but are happy to take visitors there.

We had some good discussions. Remember, he may have never said a word without the sketching connecting us.

I really thank God I had good art teachers

Mrs Gibson in Tyseen Junior School , Hackney.1979-80

Mr Idika Kalu at Federal Government College Enugu 1983-89. There was another Art teacher there, can't remember his name, he was amazing too.

All you good teachers out there, keep making an impact-you are changing lives!


  1. Hi Adebanji. Good to see someone else who loves to sketch everywhere. I wanted to answer your question about the Prince of Egypt paintings. They were all painted in acrylics on crescent cold press illustration board (or acetate cells for foreground elements). Happy painting!

  2. WOW! Just acrylics! You never cease to inspire me. Thanks for the compliment!

    I see myself as a "complusive sketcher"
