
Friday, November 07, 2008

Sketches on the train in November IV

More people.............


  1. hi!!! yey to the fellow London sketcher! I took the train to Kent (Pluckely) and can see that it's so much easier to doodle on those nice new South Western (?) trains ;)

  2. Wow.. a really amazing blog! Loved your random bus/train sketches!

    Have a look at some of my sketches too.. Would love to see your comments!

  3. Great blog! I adore your sketches on the move - wonderful work.

  4. Hi Adebanji,

    Great blog, really great work. That event at the Mall Galleries looks awsome!
    I live in Ipswich so a bit far, its always great to other artists work!

    Im hoping to get down for the Discerning Eye Exhibiton. Keep up the great work, Ed

  5. Thanks Rash, Shari and Ed, your comments are all highly appreciated. Rash your work is good too. Ed, I can't wait to see the Discerning Eye too, as it always has a variety of good stuff.

  6. Olha, you are right, most of the landrails are easier to sketch in than the Underground trains, I think the face to face in the tube makes it a bit upfront and daunting to sketch in, but the easy seat positioning on the land rail trains are very "sketch-user friendly"
