
Saturday, March 07, 2009

Sketches on the train and tube in March II and meeting up Dominique & Tiffany

Met up with my really good blogging friend Dominique and her lovely daughter Tiffany!

It was an amazing feeling to meet with up with people you've never seen in the flesh but have a good connection with in over the net!

We'll be going more places tomorrow so watch out of my post on Monday


  1. I a way the world is shrinking.

  2. Wow...that is so great. I'm relieved that they got there safely, and y'all were able to connect. Super.

  3. Wonderful sketches, as always!!:)

    When I get to meet up w/ friends from the internet, we call them Mini Meets!! You have officially had a MINI MEET!!!:)

  4. It's true, the world is shrinking in a sense. But isn't it great to meet and make friends with people you wouldn't be able to meet without internet? Good and bad sides of internet (pros and cons).

    btw. great sketches:))

  5. Thanks Mark, James, Pegi and Anetka!

    Thanks for the info Pegi, I'll call it a mimi meet in my next post!

  6. You can meet up with some amazing people!! Mini Meets are the best. I spend A LOT of time on Bonaire Talk, there's divers that love the island of Bonaire on there. I can't tell you how many I've met, or how many people there are some of the best friends I've ever "met" yet not "met"!!!:)
    That's where I sell most of my art:)

  7. Great sketches but mostly what a great host your are for showing Dominique and her daughter around. You're a sweet as you seem on your blogs.

  8. As always, great sketches.

  9. Thanks Pegi, Sheila and Larry!
