
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Sketches on the bus in May II

More people, still in the brown family one pagers. This time a more darker brown.


  1. You probably sketch as fast as you paint don't you? That's why you get so many wonderful images everyday.

  2. Thanks Sheila, on public transport, speed is the keyword as I don't know when the commuter is gonna get up!

  3. Hi, Adebanji...Almost settled here in way behind, in visiting, blogging and painting. I t looks like you have really been busy..and lookin' good. Empty Easel published my article about the blog community and featured our two portraits. You were cited, but Dan didn't get a link to you...but it was neat anyway. I linked the EE article to my last post. I hope you get a chance to see it and lemme know what ya think.

  4. Hi! Thanks James, just saw it right now and it looks good. Its a shame there was no link to my blog but it's cool all the same!
