
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bath ExperienceVI (Nelson's Place, Oil on Canvas, 60cm x 30cm, 2009)

This is another painting I have done of Bath. One of the things that pulled me into this scene was the raking light that cut across London Road, Bath, just before Nelson's Place. To me, this is drama! I love the effect of light, especially when its course is forced to squeeze through little openings. This is exactly what happened here and the wall on the right then reveals a sort of abstract painting due to the same effect.


  1. Hi, I like urban scenes, and this painting is great, will follow you

  2. I love that light too. Fabulous piece Adebanji.

  3. Fantastic painting, Adebanji! Wonderful light.

  4. I love the way you captured this picturesque place...looks ancient and exciting at the same time.

  5. I enjoy my visits to your blog each time I am here! I like the light in the painting "Bath Experience VI". I also appreciated your previous post which showcased various artists and their techniques. It brought back fond memories of my days as an Art Major at Edinboro University here in Pennsylvania. Group drawing and painting classes when models were our subjects were favorites of mine. You have inspired me to pick up my pencil to draw! My husband has been recovering from a hip replacement surgery and I've been busy caring for him...time to relax and get creative again! God bless you!! Keep Creating - your artistic ability is an amazing gift from the Lord!

  6. That's amazing - you make me want try out oil painting again. You've really captured the light so well.

  7. Thanks Fernando, Dominique, Olaoluwatomi, Edward, Jaycee, Jala ans Gillian!

    Deb, thanks for the visits, I am happy you are inpsired to draw, nothing better to make your day! Thanks God your husband is better, you must have needed loads and loads of patience to handle that. Keep up the good work you are doing in your family that inspires us all!

  8. Gorgeous light, Adebanji!!
