Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Great British Summer Showers!!!

Summer Showers Sloane Square,  24" x 20", oil on canvas

We have already had all the rain that we could ever think of or get this summer but it ain't over yet! It seems there's a lot more ahead and to celebrate this "down pour" I have decided to post these two paintings that feature rain but with a  bit of colour and beauty to lighten up the days ahead! Don't forget your brollies even if it shines like it is today in the morning!!

Rain, Rain and Human Traffic, 10" x 8", Oil on Board

"When painting rain scenes, one has to fall in love with the rain and what it does, for the painting to actually speak in rain tones"-Adebanji Alade


Azra said...

Your paintings of rain absolutely shine!! i love rain and these are my favourites.

adebanji said...

Thanks Azra!!!!!

Queen of My Castle said...

Your quote made me smile. Great work :)

adebanji said...

Thanks Queen of my Castle!