Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Sketches at the hospital
The hospital is a place you can really get sketching away when you are stuck waiting to be attended to as many people would also be waiting there who have very interesting looks.
I went to the hospital with Ruth today as Josh will be getting a younger brother or sister soon, its very early days but also a joy to see how small we all start off in our mums wombs with modern technology.
Thanks Annie, some people do and some people don't. In my experience at sketching people in public- most people can't be bothered to care whether they are being sketched or not. The few that do are often ammazed at the skill, while there are others(one in a hundred) who are sensitive and would tell me to stop and I simply would stop-You've got to respect that.
But I have had many who would tell me to give them the sketch or send the sketch to them via e-mail. It gets you as an artist interacting with people and that can be interesting!
A great idea to take your sketchbook with you to the hospital. These are great. Congratulations on the new child coming.
Thanks Rob! Yep!I'll take my sketchbook anywhere sketchable! We are both expecting but it just seems so far away- till mid next year!
that's great news Adebanji, congratulationss!!!! i have a boy who is 5 and a girl who is 3, how exciting for your little boy to get a sibling!
I really like your sketches and admire your boldness - I am a bit scared of people's reactions and try to be extremely discreet if I ever draw them!
I love your sketches of people - you are very brave! Do people often realise you are drawing them?
Thanks Annie, some people do and some people don't. In my experience at sketching people in public- most people can't be bothered to care whether they are being sketched or not. The few that do are often ammazed at the skill, while there are others(one in a hundred) who are sensitive and would tell me to stop and I simply would stop-You've got to respect that.
But I have had many who would tell me to give them the sketch or send the sketch to them via e-mail. It gets you as an artist interacting with people and that can be interesting!
Thanks Gabi, We can't wait! My wife wants a girl but I keep telling her it would be another boy- thats the fun for now!
Hey congrats to you and Ruth! Your family is growing. Josh will be a big brother sometime next year.
Thanks Silvina! Here we go more models to sketch and paint on the way!
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