Evening Light, From Battersea Bridge, 24" x 30", Oil on Board, 2010 SOLD
The Chelsea Riverside Exhibition came to a close yesterday and I am delighted to have won the First Prize for the Best work in the Show! It was exciting so many wonderful paintings of the Chelsea Riverside area!
The exhibition was well organized by Cheyne Walk Trust and Heatherley's School of Fine Art. It was great to meet so many artists, collectors and guests! The auction was another great phase of the show, it was amazing to see so many works of art being sold in hundreds and thousands, people were just outbidding each other it, was a great buzz to witness this!
Halfway through the painting, getting the mood. Sometimes paintings have more wonder and mood before they are completed.
I have more pictures to speak about the night than what I have to say, so enjoy the pictures below.

Sketching during the auction, total addiction-photo by Heatherleys
Winning label
Adebanji with winning painting

Section of exhibition, photo by Heatherley's
Exhibition from above
Cross section of crowd
Bidding, Nick Bonham setting the pace!

Adebanji receiving Award from Ken Howard
To view all works in the exhibition click HERE
Congratulation - Outstanding
I don't comment very often but I wouldn't miss your blog. I enjoy watching all you are doing.
Thanks EdieB!
Well done adebanji,
Your fans in Scotland are proud of you.
Congratulations. A wonderful painting, like so many of the others of yours I have seen.
Thanks Ray! Never knew I had friends in Scotland!!! YEAH!!!!
Thanks Mark and Anthony!
Congratulations, well deserved.
Thanks Dominique!
Well done on both a very deserving winning piece and sale. Major congrats:D
Thanks Sheona and Rohit!
That is AWESOME Adebanji. You are such an
I N S P I R A T I O N !!!
Thanks Alice!
Congratulations Banji!! This is a well deserved reward!! You are such an inspiration to many of us in the Christian fold. Keep up the good work and may God continue to bless the work of your hands.
Thanks Bro Ola, thanks for your prayers and constant encouragement! It always goes a long long way!
Congrats, Adebanji!!! It's a beautiful painting. I love the colors. AWESOME!
The painting is gorgeous.
Thanks Akiko and AC!
Banji, this is quite encouraging. We all are very proud of your achievement. God has just started with you, you know! He is taking you to a very high loft in honour of His name. More blessing brother.
Thanks Bro.Francis-To God be the Glory!!!!
Congratulations Adebanji - well deserved win. Your blog and your paintings continue to inspire!
Thanks Sonia!!!
Well done..congratulations!!
Loved the painting.
Thanks Blograti!
Gorgeous painting. Starving artist? Who? Not you :-D I would buy one of your paintings for sure, so I can stare at it and be transported to another place and maybe time. Congrats.
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