Summerlight, Royal Exchange, 12" x 16", Acrylic on Canvas, 2010- A blazing place to view and paint in the summer. The building takes on new refreshing colours and the surroundings are exciting too. I really like scenes like this because of the contrast between modern and traditional architecture, something very common in the City of London.
St Paul's at Night, 16" x 12", Acrylic on Canvas, 2010-This building has history and its always a delight to behold at night, but getting its exact and compelling grandeur and beauty is always a struggle.
"Onlookers and underachievers put a major emphasis on talent. For them talent, or the lack of it, is a great excuse to do nothing. If there is an outstanding quality to great artists, scientists, sports stars, humanitarians and business tycoons it is not their talent-it is their focus. Once you know what you want to do, get focused! You can't save the whales, heal the sick and plug the ozone layer all at the same time. Leave some chores for the rest of humanity."
-Andrew Matthews author of Follow your Heart.
Again, absolutely fabulous!
Thanks Sharon!
Nice work! The Royal Exchange is a great painting venue. I've tried a couple of spots favoured by the master, Ken Howard.
Excellent quote too. Indeed, persistent and clear focus is a must. Artists need an aptitude for their pursuit but most of it is down to hard work, passion and determination. The hard part is not allowing yourself to get diverted from this path. Things are often seemingly against us. Believe and give the very best of yourself is where we should aim. You clearly have all this in bundles so I'm certain 2011 will be another excellent year!
Thanks Dave, you are spot on.
You are right- by the things that are often seemingly against- but we just have to keep going against all odds! Wishing you a fantastic year too!
Great colour! Love the quotes. god bless. jon
You got it just right! Very nicely done. Blessings to you in 2011.
my fav. scenes to paint! You handled them capitally!
Splendid as usual. I have been reading my Artist magazine - it is really nice to see you in print Adebanji.
Thanks Jon!
Thanks John!
Thanks Olha!
Thanks Carolann! You made my day-I have only heard about this through you! So I went to the site to check it out! Yeah!!!
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