101-Feeling fresh this is my first shot at Broad Street, the junction is busy and traffic a continuous thing! I decided to capture it in the afternoon light from Landsdown Road.
102-Alfred Street was a beauty to paint, one lady saw her car in the picture and immediately wanted to buy the piece just because she could identify her car in it. She showed her daughter and said, "Look honey, that's our car!"
103,104- Never planned to do Hay Hill as a double but as I painted the first piece and just couldn't resist plunking in another to justify the beauty of the late afternoon light and shadows piercing across!
105-Up Landsdown Road from Alfred Street, I managed to capture the late afternoon shadows as they cast against the buildings on the right.
106- Night was approaching but the light was great and I walked up Landsdown Road, lazy as usual, fainting but pursuing the next shot, then I saw this paradise at Camden Crescent at night!
107-....the same spot as 106, I decided to turn round and capture Camden Crescent at night, facing Belvedere. Then a lovely lady who introduced herself as a Lawyer, got me a cup of tea. Now, I don't drink tea but I have learned never to reject an offer of charity. I drank it up and she was pleased. She said they were proud at Camden Crescent to have their own local artist!
108-While painting this scene I got interrupted by some night cleaners who needed to clean some pillars of the shop I was sitting by. So I moved and almost got soaked in the process. But I enjoyed this piece of Milsom Street at night with the bright red Scaffolding.
109- A rare beauty of striking morning light across Julian Street off Landsdown Road!
110-Just looking through Caroline Place around Belvedere, there was this view of the town skyline! Incredible!
111-Ainslies Belvedere-this was the place a lady just specifically asked to reserve this painting "111", she left her name and address and said she'll love to own it!.
112-Another Cool Scene of Belvedere from Landsdown Road, I loved this scene because of the dynamic "Z" shapes in the rectangular composition.
113-I got here and the evening was fading fast, but I managed to capture these glorious trees around Upper Hedgemead, I loved the mysterious winding of the road into nowhere!
114,115-Now, Please don't think I have lost it, because I haven't. But I just felt I needed to do something incredibly weird(at the end of the day when I am tired, I get hyper and I do all sorts from singing in the street, to dancing in the street), and I gave it a go. I went to the dark park in the night with teenagers doing all sorts and captured the Royal Crescent at night. One of the girls saw me struggling to take myself a picture, she just grabbed the camera from me and took a marvelous shot!
Wow you have been busy! The views through your eyes are beautiful. Bath has been enhanced.
What's your time frame for completing a piece? How many do you do in a single day? I know there are lots of variables, I wonder if all this painting has speeded up your ability to capture a scene on canvas more quickly.
Thanks Jeanette! It takes from 45 minutes to 3 hours depending on the complexity of the piece or whether I'm just going for atmosphere, lighting or a more indepth oil sketch of a place.
In a single day I do from 4-9. I'd say an average of 5 a day.
You wrote:"As A plein air painter it is not the places we look for, but the effect of light on the places and therefore, one place could look different in seven different light conditions during the day!" This statement of yours is the 1st I've understood why any one really would like to paint the same place over and over outdoors. I'm not a plein air painter but I do admire the work of others who are, but never fully understood their desire until now. Thx! Great paintings as always!
I've been following these marathons with great interest and admiration! Would love to see larger images of the finished paintings, too.
Victoria, I am happy you have been able to understand one of the aims of plein air painters-that's cool. One day, you'll need to give this a go, it is FUN!
CBeth- The exhibition is in November and I will post images by then. It's a pity you are not in Bath, some of the completed paintings were framed and exhibited at the Octagon, venue of the Bath Prize. Lots of people got really hooked and interested!
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