Wednesday, November 05, 2008

TEARS OF JOY, 19" x 13", Watercolour, 2008

This my entry into Karin Jurick's different Strokes from different folks

This is all I can say, Its tears of Joy!

I'm short of words.......................


Anonymous said...

That's beautiful!

adebanji said...

Thanks Kay! Those "tears of joy" by Gods Grace will make The United States BEAUTIFUL!

Carol Feldman said...

Well, Imay never pick up a watercolor brush again.

adebanji said...

Carol, well apprecaited but I don't really get it? Why won't you pick up a watercolor brush again?

Lesley Spanos said...

Well, you brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face. Both the painting and the sentiment are beautiful!

adebanji said...

Thanks Lesley!

Kate Merriman said...

Wow, this is just beautiful, very evocative and rich!

adebanji said...

Thanks Kate!

Deirdre said...

Wonderfull, wonderfull painting. The best one this week for me :)

adebanji said...

Thnaks Deirdre!

Making A Mark said...

Stunning - may I use it for my 'who's made a mark this week?' blog post on Sunday?

Theresa Rankin said...

If I could watercolor....this would be the way I would do it....Beautiful stunning and tears of joy here too!!!

adebanji said...

Thanks Katherine, you don't need to ask me...I love your blog and would never mind you using anything I do on it. Thanks Theresa! I don't often do watercolours, but that day I was painting this piece as the results were being released state by state, so it was very emotional and I think it has showed in the work.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

It's so beautiful! I like the way you've made the road look like a wet mirror (with the red streaks of the traffic lights just in the center catching the eye) and with dense details, whereas the sky is kept almost abstract with long streaks (it could be rain or tears...). The Capitol has a hazy, remote quality to it, personally I even forgot that it was the Capitoal, it reminded me of the domes of Venetian churches in winter...

adebanji said...

Thanks WITRAG, for this vivid analysis, It seems as if you were just picking everything I determined to do while painting this piece.

Robyn Sinclair said...

I've spent quite a while enjoying your beautiful paintings - then I got to this one and thought, there is magic in your watercolours. Congratulations.

adebanji said...

Thanks very much Robyn, now that would spur me on when doing watercolours in future!