177-THE LITTLE HUT AT VICTORIA PARK- The light sparkled through the trees here producing little pockets of light on the shaded grass in the foreground. This was a delight to paint!
178 THE LITTLE POND AT VICTORIA PARK- Sometimes you just discover places by pure serendipity, I was trying to avoid the upcoming rain and racing out of Victoria Park when this scene caught my attention! There was simply no time to waste. Wish I had a bigger surface for this one!
179 GREAT BEDFORD STREET, OFF ST JAMES SQUARE- This area in Bath is very quiet and I just finished having my lunch, I sat down and kept this interesting street, simple. It looked far more complicated than this!
180 PARK STREET OFF ST JAMES SQUARE- This is one my favourites, it was here I noticed I suddenly developed a short-hand for knocking off buildings quickly. I needed to get the light hitting the buildings quickly because it kept changing. So, with my 1"- inch, flat nylon brush, I just swiped in the big shapes and that marked the end of my fussy, niggling problems when faced with Bath buildings!
181, 182 THE TULIP TREE IN ST JAMES SQUARE- I had no idea what this tree was called until one of the residents passed by and gave me a brief lecture on the tree This was one painting where I had to double it because the tree kept expanding with the development and progress. One panel wouldn't do it justice!
183 CITY VIEW FROM GOLF COURSE- The night was fast approaching and I didn't want to give up too soon, so I knocked this one in with a bit of speed before it went all dark! No smiles, because I was FREEZING!
184 OLD ORCHARD STREET, RAKING LIGHT-If there was ever a day where I was in full control of my materials and the light stood still in profound co-operation, it was while painting this little piece. These are the ones painters keep for themselves!
185- Thinking of this painting and in fact all these pochade paintings just makes me stand in gratitude for a guy named TREVOR CHAMBERLAIN ROI, RSMA- He wrote a book I discovered way back in Nigeria called, "Oil Painting: Pure and Simple"- It was only available in the library of my college, Yaba College of Technology, so I had to keep going there to read it, the book couldn't be borrowed as it was in the reference section. I read that book was so much intensity, it made me love landscape painting. One of the chapters in the book was dedicated wholly to the POCHADE BOX- I remember Trevor saying something like, "The Pochade Box can open to any painter a whole new world of possibilities" I tried it and it's been a blessing to me. I would love to keep sharing this message-IF YOU REALLY WANT TO GET OUT OF A ROUTINE OF NOT PAINTING TODAY AND THEN PAINTING TOMORROW-JUST GET YOURSELF A POCHADE BOX AND SET YOURSELF A TIME FRAME, AND USE IT! IT'S WHAT CONSTABLE DID AND IF HE DID IT, WE CAN TOO!!! I'll explain more in detail on this after my posts on the 4th Marathon when I highlight, Lessons Learnt from Bath Marathon 3 and 4.
186 THE HALCYON, SOUTH PARADE- Doing the tree in front of this building reminded me of Fred Cuming RA. I just love the way he treats bare trees in his snowscapes, and even though it wasn't snowing here. I could just think of how he would handle this. This is what happens when I paint, I bring to life many effects and influences of paintings and painters I admire but the difference is, it all ends up fused into my system and then it becomes my "personal brush writing and marks". This is one of the delights of painting!
187 SOUTH PARADE, VIEW FROM DUKE STREET- It was a calm evening and the sun was gradually going down! I set my sails to coast on this before it vanished.
Thanks for the e-mail last week about how you've been enjoying your ThumBox! You have certainly been putting it to good use. This is a very impressive blog.
Sarah Judson, Judsons Art Outfitters
Thanks ever so much Sarah. You guys have produced a revolutionary PRODUCT! I now own your French Resistance Easel too! Ever sine I posted these marathons, especially the video on me using it. I have got many people asking me (via e-mail) what sort of easel or pochade box I use and I kept directing them to your site. It was then I realized I hadn't even thanked you for such a great product(hence the e-mail). Keep up the good work! I'll be back for more!
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