I had the opportunity today to get in 3 hours of work on Diana.
Painting from life is really interesting and demanding, as one has to adjust and re-adjust with the movements and changes in the model, especially when it comes to clothes and folds.
Diana has been a great model and I look forward to getting more work done. At 2 hours Diana wanted me to stop the painting- she said it already had a certain level of completeness. Well, that was hard to do...the journey continues!
It's looking good, Banji. I have only used a live model once, years ago. I strapped her in the chair and told her if she moved I'd tear her face off. Thankfully, I have mellowed greatly since then. It is a challenge, but looks like you're up to it.
Where are the first stages? did I miss them? I learn from all the stages oh' great master of all mediums....
This is evolving beautifully!
Thanks James! I hope that was a joke!
Sheila, I have added the first stage below, thanks!
I don't know about James maybe it wasn't a joke =)
It's progressing beautifully.
Is she going to allow you a 3rd session?
Thanks Dominique! She is going to allow me more sittings as she is keen to allow me to follow my path through.
I have been a huge fan of your work! After seeing your palette I just had to inquire about it... the amount of paint you put out is fascinating! I have a horrible habit of squeezing out tiny amounts- never having enough. Do you leave that much paint out at all times and then just scrape it off if it dries? I am determined to follow your lead! Thank you for helping me see my miserly ways!
Thanks Leslie, I would say I am guilty of paint wasting and I won't encourage you to do that. I actually leave a lot of colour out some has dried underneath so with the years it has accumulated into a "solid cake paint mountain".
But the only way I can paint successfully is when I have plenty of colour at my disposal. I have to see the colour in its lush and abundance to entice me to paint, and moreover without sufficient paint out, I would be hindered from the beauty and liberty of working at ease with colour. I think it was Sargent who said to move paint around freely you'd have to have plenty of it on your palette! Hope this helps.
I could mise on all aspects of my life, clothes, shoes, and other things BUT when it comes to paint- I budget more and even a bit more just to enjoy the process!
LOL...a joke...no strapping in and face taking off...but I DID consider it.
I knew it didn't sound real James!
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