Thursday, January 01, 2009

Study sketches for a portrait of two lovely children

I'll be doing a painting and drawing of two lovely children this month, I went down to do study their faces and make a couple of sketches. I also took loads of pictures too!

I really love children and I hope to get down to business soon. Sketching wasn't that easy as children between 1-3 years are never stable or still its constant movement, apart from when they are asleep.

These are few of the sketches and studies I was able to do with carbon pencils in my A3 sketchpad.


Trish said...

I love your sketches, just wanted to thank you for the inspiration-I always come away a little bit more motivated than before I stopped by!!

adebanji said...

Thanks Trish I am always haappy to hear great feed back.

I have wrapped up my life into three words- to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and ENCOURAGE!

So I am happy you are motivated!!

annie said...

having a niece in that age range (just about 18 months), I know how wiggly kids can be!

Great expressions in the sketches. I've always found the proportions of children to be difficult.

adebanji said...

Thanks Annie!

You are right about proportions in kids, I guess if one is used to drawing adults most of the time, switching to kids can be daunting, especially with proportions cos this was my experience too and one would really need to rely on keen OBSERVATION.