My search for interesting models takes me outdoors and while walking through the London streets I keep looking at everybody as if to say-yes! that would make a good sketch! Most of the time, it's the homeless and road-side beggars that have the faces with the most character.
One of the days a week ago I was feeling so downhearted after loosing my wallet a day before around Soho, I decided to take the worries off my head by sketching this guy after another frantic search for it (Sounds Silly, eh). The Good news is, after sketching this guy and helping him out with a good deal, I got an email that I needed to come, just a few blocks up the very street I was sketching the guitar man to collect my wallet! It still had my money, cards and everything intact! Now, believe it or not-God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. Keep Sketching!!!
For this piece I have used a variety of soft pencil in my A4 Moleskine Sketchbook.
Special Quote
"Drawing is not what sees but what one can make others to see"-Degas
Lovely. I've visited hundreds of art blogs in the last few years, and yours is one of the very very few I keep coming back to. I love the mix of inspiring images, and the spiritual light that shines through your work. Keep sketching!
Thanks Ben! All the glory goes to God, who continues to inspire a frail man like me!
What a lovely story! How nice to be rewarded almost straight away for a good deed.Last week I donated nine paintings to a community needs project that helps young kids off the streets and the same day I was offered a job making wedding cakes for a company.I don't usually blow my own trumpet,it just goes to show that there is a God out there and he does reward the good in people,and there is more good in the world than bad otherwise there would be chaos.oops....sorry for the essay : )
Thanks Azra! It's great to simply believe there's a God out there! I am happy you can attribute to that fact!
I don't know whether His helping me out had anything to do with the beggar but certainly there are too many things that happen that are just far beyond us. Your story is another confirmation that it's not all gloom and doom out there! Stay blessed!
What a wonderful story! While your paintings and sketches are always an inspiration to others, this time it is through what you have related.
Thanks Balaji!
Lovely sketch.I have never done this and I can only imagine how liberating it is to sketch someone sitting in front of you while you sit on the pavement!I m sure the guy appreciated it.
Thanks Arti, it's an amazing experience!
Awesome as ever!!!
Thanks Victoria!
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